Herbal Medicine

As a Medical Herbalist I offer you the opportunity to discuss in depth your physical and emotional well-being giving you a sense of freedom to acknowledge health issues and, to be inspired to implement changes to heal yourself.
Due to this detailed consultation the first session can take up to an hour and a half and can include a clinical examination of a system, organ or joint after which, you will receive a personalised treatment plan and herbal prescription. A follow up consultation is usually arranged two weeks after the initial session to assess the success of the prescription and this can take up to an hour.
A prescription can take the form of a supplement or herbal capsule, a cream or tea depending on the condition and your requirements.

Conditions that can be improved with herbs include the following:
Skin Disorders such as Eczema and Acne
Ear, nose and throat conditions
Respiratory conditions such as bronchitis or asthma
Digestive Disorders such as IBS
Skeletal and Joint Disorders
Gynaecological problems such as PMS
Emotional Issues such as Stress and Depression
Additional issues can include Headaches, Insomnia, general fatigue and many more.
For more information
Mob: 07851 188538
The First Consultation 1 and a half hours £50
Follow up Consultation for 1 Hour
Herbal Remedies Priced as per requirement